Made to Order Software offers support for all of its products.
For our consumer products, please review your options on the corresponding consumer product page.
Since it's initial release in 2002, SSWF has been extremely popular. Despite never being advertised, it has been downloaded more than 77,250 times just on, has been converted to work on several Unix platforms not initially ...
CuteMenu can be installed like any other Drupal modules. Extract the tar ball in sites/all/modules. The module makes use of two tables in your database. If you do not want to use it anymore, make sure to Uninstall it before deleting the files or you will still have the tables hanging.
Go to Administer » Building site » Modules to select the module so you can use it.
At this time (Oct 25, 2008) there is a "bug" in the core menu system that needs to be fixed for the CuteMenu to work 100%. The only problem ...
Turn Watcher™ is a Combat Initiative Tracker by Made to Order Software! Turn Watcher was created by gamers for gamers to help you run your combat rounds more smoothly and efficiently.
Turn Watcher keeps track of the combat order of each player character (PC) and monster involved in your encounters by tracking player and monster initiative order and current hit points so you don't have to!
Turn Watcher lets you make secret skill checks and will saves for player characters. It manages the PCs and monsters that have delayed or readied actions. And it handles automatic bleed out of dying PCs and monsters!
As of now, our servers are running Drupal 6.9.
As stated on the Drupal website, this is a security update. Some issues could have given a hacker access to our database system. Although the risk was low, we decided to upgrade immediately.
The other problems that Drupal 6.9 resolves, were not issues on our servers.
If you have an questions or concerns, please, feel free to contact us.
Don't forget! With 136 modules available, chances are, we've got what you need!
Let us know if there ...
At Made to Order Software we think that using Open Source software is an incredible leverage for our customers. Plain and simple: if the software is free, you do not need to pay for it. You only need to pay us for installing the software and training you on how to use it.
We currently offer three solutions: Compiere ERP & CRM, SugarCRM and X-Tuple ERP.
In June 2008, Made to Order Software created a new software library called odbcpp. This library is an Open Source C++ wrapper of the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) library started by Microsoft in 1988.
ODBC hides the details of back-end database systems. In other words, if you support ODBC, you can effortlessly connect to a very large number of database systems such as MS-SQL, Access, Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
odbcpp is an extension for C++ programmers. It is easy to use and it is a great solution to avoid many bugs as it will automatically handle all the possible ODBC errors for ...
More and more, people are learning new software as they go. A few will stick to one software for a long time simply because it is easier, but changing is easy too, especially if the new system is easy to use. But how do you produce throwaway software? And is it worth the trouble? As we see things evolving, more and more, people want to use software anywhere they go. This means software that runs on the Internet in some ways. For instance, you can use Google Map anywhere you go, as long as you have a computer to access the Internet.
Made to Order Software is commited in making its products easy to use and ensure maximum performance from its customers' engineers.
All of our products are documented in fine detail, ensuring that your engineers can quickly find the information they need to move forward.
In order to make sure your engineers can make full use of our tools and be able to hit the ground running, we offer tailored on-site training with a Made to Order Software certified instructor for all of our professional products.
Here you will find a few of the software solutions that have been made possible by Made to Order Software Corporation. Feel free to contact us for more information.
Made to Order Software created Snap! Websites, a CMS system, which allows customers to create their own websites, hosted on our servers.
The new version of Snap! is actually Open Source. You can find more information about Snap! Websites Open Source on the Snap! Website a C++ CMS website.
A few customers using our old Snap! offer include: