The protection tag is totally useless. The SWF format is an open format, otherwise how would you have so many players and tools to work with SWF movies? Thus, you can pretend to protect your movies, but anyone with a simple binary editor can transform the tag and make it another which has no such effect. Also, swf_dump and some other tools (such as flasm) can read your movie anyway.
For the sake of defining what you have in each tag, there are the protection tags fully described.
According to Macromedia, you can find some free implementation of the MD5 algorithm by Poul-Henning Kamp in ...
Since it's initial release in 2002, SSWF has been extremely popular. Despite never being advertised, it has been downloaded more than 77,250 times just on, has been converted to work on several Unix platforms not initially ...
Ever wondered how you could change the encoding of one of your Postgres database?
I have had that problem several times, and in most cases people tell you to:
The problem is that there is no support for altering the encoding of a database. The ALTER DATABASE does not include that option. And since it should be really rare, it makes sense.
Now, there is an easier way ...